Monday 5 January 2015


The problem is that humans are unpredictable and I can't read your mind. You tire me but lift me up, all I can hope for is that you will one day recede into a tiny fragment of happy memory and I will never care like this for you again.

Tuesday 2 December 2014


It is a selfish kind of concern, in which I care less about you and more about whether you care about me.

Tuesday 11 November 2014


This is probably healthier, to leave with a smile and light nonchalance. Thank you for always coming over and removing any insecurities I have about our friendship. This is all we need - friends.

Sunday 19 October 2014


I remember telling myself that I wanted to meet a guy who didn't like to text. I felt that it was risky to hang emotions and promises along the lines of 21st century pixels. It just didn't feel sturdy enough.

Then I found you. And you made me feel like taking my words back - how I wish I could talk to you 24/7, even if the wind were to quickly blow my words away.

Monday 13 October 2014


You burned the script and wrote your own - I am not sure if it is better or worse than mine. All I know is that nothing -absolutely nothing, you throw me off like the hurricane you are, I would say you blow me away but it does not capture the pain of falling - has happened as I had expected. You give me the worse and best surprises.


Never acknowledging your presence - if you are offended, I am sorry. I am just afraid, irrationally. 

Thursday 18 September 2014


I would say that this was never meant to happen but that would be a half-lie. From the very beginning, I made the conscious decision to stay close - and since then, it has been difficult to do otherwise.

How was I to know that you were a tangled frenzy of emotions, drifting through like a thunderstorm - intermittent flashes? Could I have expected that hurt and longing was what seeped through the paper boundaries, rendering those in proximity disorientated and sometimes empty? 

It is difficult to judge the "what if"s when the times for choices have long come and gone. I am far too late.